By now I already have my home server up and running but not really 100% up to my expectations. I was looking around ebay and thought that this would be a wonderful addition to the home server unit. So I ordered 2 pieces.

It came within 2 weeks and here it is fitted to my unit. Transfered the 1.5TB HDD to the first caddy and used a 160GB in the internal slot. So now total capacity is 1.6TB, will be fitting a SATA card into the PCI slot and put in another HDD. Up to now both internal and external GB ports gave the same transfer speeds. So no point in leaving the GB LAN card in there. I think I may have a couple of 750G HDDs somewhere... so officially by this weekend I will have a 2.3TB Home Server...
Remember I said something about looking for a shorter PSU in part 1? If the PSU length was a little longer I would have issues trying to fit both the HDD caddies. So lucky me, no issues here... Tight fit... but it works
Ouch VERY TIGHT FIT... Will be looking of a 'L' SATA cable the next time i am in Lowyat
More to come... part 3
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